Author: Alejandro López Hernández

Embracing the Future: The Role of AI in Transforming the Manufacturing Industry Artificial Intelligence

Embracing the Future: The Role of AI in Transforming…


The manufacturing industry stands at the brink of a new era, powered by digital transformation. At the heart of this revolution is Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is rapidly changing how manufacturers operate, innovate, and compete in a global market. This article explores the multifaceted role of AI in reshaping the manufacturing landscape.

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ESMT Berlin Uncategorized

Integrating Business Strategy, Economics, and Marketing: A Reflection on…

Participating in the second EMBA residency provided a comprehensive immersion into the multifaceted world of business strategy, economics, and marketing. The residency experience served as a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical application, offering valuable insights into the dynamic interplay of these crucial components in the business landscape, I will be able to directly apply my learnings to my business in the short term, particularly on the marketing efforts and business strategy validation.

Read more “Integrating Business Strategy, Economics, and Marketing: A Reflection on my second EMBA Residency at ESMT Berlin”
Santa Lucia Riverwalk Company

Nearshore software development teams and soft landing to Monterrey

Overview of nearshore software development

Did you know that nearshore software development is becoming increasingly popular among companies seeking cost-effective, high-quality solutions? By outsourcing to countries in close geographical proximity, businesses can benefit from cultural affinity, enhanced collaboration, and reduced time zone barriers. Monterrey, Mexico is emerging as a prime location for nearshore software development teams, offering numerous advantages.

Read more “Nearshore software development teams and soft landing to Monterrey”
Monterrey IT Cluster Company

Why you should consider nearshoring software development?

Nearshoring software development is a business model in which a company hires a software development team located in a nearby country, typically in the same time zone or a few time zones away, rather than outsourcing the work to a more distant country. The concept of nearshoring is based on the idea of keeping development geographically close to the company, while still taking advantage of lower labor costs and other benefits of working with offshore teams.

Read more “Why you should consider nearshoring software development?”
Why DevOps matters DevOps

Why DevOps matters

DevOps (Development and Operations) is important for several reasons:

Faster delivery: DevOps facilitates the continuous delivery of software, allowing organizations to release new features and updates more quickly and efficiently. This can give organizations a competitive edge by allowing them to respond to market changes more quickly.

Read more “Why DevOps matters”